Emergency Management
The Office of Emergency Management is a division of the Sheriff's Office. Its purpose is to maintain an emergency services system by planning, preparing and providing for the prevention, mitigation and management of emergencies or disasters that present a threat to the lives and property of citizens of Jefferson County.
Current State of Emergency Information:
Click Here for Past State of Emergency Information

Additional Information:
Click Here for a Before the Storm Safety and Evacuation Checklist
Click Here for the Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide
Click Here for the Waterborne Debris Information
Click Here for the Waterway Debris Removal Information
Click Here for Disaster and Emergency Planning Guide and Information
EM Director Kristy Anderson Email: Kristy.anderson@jcso-fl.org
EM Liason Officer: Dustin McCoy Email: Dustin.mccoy@jcso-fl.org
169 Industrial Park
Monticello, FL 32344
Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS):
Jefferson County recently began a new planning effort to develop a comprehensive Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS). The purpose of this plan is to develop proposals for new projects or programs to eliminate or minimize the vulnerabilities of the communities of Jefferson County to the impacts of future natural, technological, and man-made disasters. Planning and emergency management officials are hoping that members of the community, including business interests throughout the area, will share their experiences and perspective on the impacts of past disasters, as well as how the communities of Jefferson County are vulnerable to future disasters. Go to
www.thearpc.com for more details on how you can help protect your community.
Disaster Preparedness: www.floridadisaster.org/
Need to register someone with Special Needs? Click the link below to create a Special Needs Account. snr.flhealthresponse.com/