Building Department
The Jefferson County Building Department is dedicated to the pursuit of a safer living and working environment for the citizens of Jefferson County. In a cooperative effort between the residents, professional tradesmen and highly trained department staff, the Building Department ensures compliance with the State Building Codes and Regulations.
James Kaufman Building Official / Building Inspector Kathy Phillips Certified Permit Tech
Email: Email:
445 W. Palmer Mill Road Monticello, FL 32344
Office phone # 850-342-0223
Fax # 850-342-0225
A couple of notes in permitting the review processes go as follows:
1. Submit site plan to Planning and start review, legally can take up to 30 days for Planning Department review
2. Once Planning Department is complete, if an application is submitted it will be given to the Building Department to begin their review process; if an application was not submitted then it is held until such time as an application is brought in
3. Once a complete package is submitted to Building they will start their review, legally can up to 30 days for Building Department review
4. Keep in mind that very seldom does either department take the full 30 days but legally each department has that amount of time, so it’s always safe to say permitting can take up to 60 days
5. Every time a revision is submitted, the process starts over and a new 30 days begins
6. For the Building Department to begin their review process the application must be complete at time it is submitted; incomplete applications WILL NOT be processed
7. Any submittal to either department MUST BE done in person or by mail, electronic applications WILL NOT be accepted
8. Payment for permits must always be paid by cash or check only, electronic payments WILL NOT be accepted. Checks or money orders to be made payable to Jefferson Co. B.O.C.C.
Complete applications MUST include the following items:
2 copies of Plans: MUST MEET Florida Building Codes 2020 to Florida Building Codes 2023, 8th edition
2 copies of Truss Package
2 copies of Florida Energy Forms
2 copies of Wind Load
2 copies of Soil Test-Foundation, if necessary
Recorded Warranty Deed
Notice of Commencement-must be filed and submitted with application
Approved Development Permit-requirement to obtain Septic Permit
Approved Site Plan-from Planning Department
Benchmark Certificate, if necessary
City Approval, if necessary
Septic Approval, if necessary
*** NEWS ***
- Please call, 850-342-0223 to request an inspection.
- Inspections WILL NOT be scheduled same day. Emailed inspection requests WILL NOT be accepted.
- All plans submitted MUST MEET Florida Building Codes 2020 to Florida Building Codes 2023, 8th edition
Useful Downloads and Links 
The Building and Planning Departments coordinate commercial and business licensing within the County. The forms listed below are provided here in Adobe PDF form for you to read and may be printed on your computer and filled out prior to submittal. The forms may also be picked up at the Building Department at the above address. All applications MUST BE submitted in full, incomplete applications will not be accepted. Electronic submissions will not be accepted.