County Manager

County Manager 

County Manager Shannon Metty Serves as Chief Administrative Officer of Jefferson County Government and maintains responsibility for administering all departments under the general control of the five member Board of County Commissioners. County Manager's are Knowledgeable of general governmental operations and have expertise in the field of management. By a general approach to all county operations, the Manager can eliminate duplication of effort, avoid conflict of interest, and encourage harmony, cooperation and morale among the diverse agencies. 

The Duties of the County Manager are as follows:

  • To be the Administrative Head of the County Government for the Board of County Commissioners,
  • To see that the orders of the Board are faithfully executed,
  • To attend the meetings of the Board and make recommendations to it,
  • To appoint, with the approval of the County Commissioners, and to remove such Officers and Employees as the Board may consider necessary, except Officers and Employees who are Required To Be Elected or Whose Appointment is Otherwise Provided For By Law,
  • To perform other duties as may be required of him by the Board,
  • Prepare an Annual Budget in Cooperation with the Clerk of Courts,
  • Supervise all County Departments, to view click on selection:
  •   Annual Report 2015-16         
  •   Annual Report  2014-15
  • Serve as Personnel Director

The Manager's Office also serves as the Section 504 Housing Coordinator and Mosquito Control Director.

Budget Information

 Fiscal Year 2022-2023: 

Fiscal Year 2023-2024:

Fiscal Year 2024-2025:

For more information or further assistance please contact:

450 W. Walnut Street Monticello, Fl 32344
850-342-0223 (Office)

