Planning Department Informational Links

Planning Department Informational Links

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The following are links to sites regarding general and specific environmental issues:

Gopher Tortoise Informational file (pdf) - GT - Permitting Guidelines
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
NWFWMD - Northwest Florida Water Management District
SRWMD - Suwanee River Water Management District
FDEP - Florida Department of Environmental Protection Office of Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources
FDOT - Florida Department of Transportation
ARPC - Apalachee Regional Planning Council
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service - NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY Mapper 

1. FDEP uses this map as the official wetlands map for Florida
2. Click on the left USA map (indicated as WETLANDS MAPPER).
3. Click on the red "AACCEPT button". 
4. On the third page, click on the box labeled "FIND LOCATION"- You can type in the street address and zip code and then press "Go". If the subject property does not have a 911 address, enter the nearest property that has an address. (Having the Jefferson County Property Appraiser's GIS map with the boundary and wetlands turned on is benificial for comparison purposes). Planning staff can do this for you if you visit our office.

Other links
Jefferson County completed the draft of a comprehensive Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS). The purpose of this plan is to develop proposals for new projects or programs to eliminate or minimize the vulnerabilities of the communities of Jefferson County to the impacts of future natural, technological, and man-made disasters. Planning and emergency management officials hope that members of the community, including business interests throughout the area, will share their experiences and perspective on the impacts of past disasters, as well as how the communities of Jefferson County are vulnerable to future disasters.
